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$1.15M Workers’ Compensation Settlement

Paralyzed Crash Victim Awarded $1.15M in Workers’ Comp Settlement

A plaintiff who T-boned an oncoming vehicle has settled their workers’ compensation claim against their insurance carrier for $1.15 million. Our client was airlifted to the hospital and underwent emergency surgery, but sadly the crash left the client paralyzed from the waist down.

Our client had to travel out of state several days a week to receive adequate care for the required injuries for extensive rehabilitation and treatment with several medical professionals. Their injuries precluded them from doing the job they did before the crash. While our client found other employment, the available hours were limited.  

Post-rehabilitation, insurance carrier Gallagher Bassett Services was required to modify the client’s home and vehicle for wheelchair accessibility but that the claims process included much “hand-wringing” and “tug-of-war” with the Illinois-based carrier. As our client sought rehabilitation from catastrophic injuries, the carrier declined to approve medical treatment.

This led our client to contact our team at Hart Law for help. On a daily basis for over three years we constantly called, emailed, faxed, and wrote letters to the insurance carrier. We refused to back down until our client’s medical treatments were finally approved and paid. 

Our client is now in control of all future medical treatment, and continues to work towards becoming self-sufficient. In addition to the compensation we were able to obtain for our client, paraplegic therapy support groups and counseling have played a tremendous role in our client’s positive health gains. 

If you believe that you are being treated unfairly by your employer, insurance company, or at-fault party, we will stand up for you and make sure your rights are protected. Call our team today at (803) 771-7701 for a free consultation.